Senin, 15 September 2008

China Doesn't want SNSD Either!

What can we say more!
SMTown china was another slap in the face of SM!
When SNSD performed it was dark all over ..

and often little (X) signs seen everywhere!
what a symbolic work!!!!!!!!

we too are curious to find out when SM will learn the lesson and just give up on this one group!
SNSD have seriously caused so much shame to SM company and their reputation is totally ruined!
It feels like everytime SNSD shows up these days people are excited to see how they get humilated!
If i was part of the group by no means i would perform in that group anymore in the price of my life!


that was the coolest thing i ever see!!!!

come on SONYUHSHIDAE fans!!!!

come here malaysian who comment on this blog...or all SNSD supporter!!!

come here again n give hate comment..

i will love it!!!

just slap your face n reliese how world hate your IDOL IDIOT!!!!

special thx to SYP n STAND!!!!