Jumat, 11 Juli 2008

Mistakes Made By SNSD

1, Super Junior
In the case of SUJU, on the Taeyeon-Kangin radio program “Chin Chin”, -Taeyeon said a cuss word that eventually Kangin had to take responsibility!
Specifically she called him a “retard” in korean it’s a cuss word. In return Kangin had to defend for Taeyeon and tell listeners she accidentally mispronounced the word, and that she did not say that on purpose.
We all heard how Taeyeon received over 300 hate comments that day!
Later that day Soshified began attacking SuJu members KangIn, Eeteuk, Sungmin and DongHae.

2. SES

SNSD commented that it would be difficult to follow S.E.S. because its members are artificial.
And they added that SNSD is this generation’s beauties.

3. SS501
-When Tiffany saw Park Jung Min, she said he looks like he’d have 10 bank accounts and that he looks funny from far away.
-During the program, Tiffany also exclaimed “omg HIM”?! when she saw Park Jung Min. She has no right to be an MC.
-SNSD fans made fun of SS501’s Kim Hyung Joon, saying “he looks disgusting.” They also made fun of Park Jung Min.


Same as what happened with SS501 and SUJU; some members of SNSD did not use formal speech when talking about DBSK and calling their names, like saying “Xiah Junsu” instead of “sonbae”.
- Jessica guest starred on Park Kyung Lim’s Outing. Park Kyung Lim asked Jessica who her favorite artist was and she said DBSK. Then Park Kyung LIm asked which member in DBSK she liked and she said “Jaejoong”, not using formal speech to say his name.
- Tiffany showed how witty she was by saying DBSK’s wave of red balloons looked like insects.
- SNSD fans were upset about the CF that SNSD did with DBSK so they accused DBSK of sexual harassment to give DBSK a bad image and creating a buzz in the internet.

5. Big Bang
SNSD made fun of Tae Yang’s real name “Dong Youngbae”, saying “What kind of name is that? It’s not even “Dong Young sang” (videos).”

6. Epik High- Tablo
Taeyeon was on Kangin’s Chin Chin radio when she saw Tablo at the computer. She said, “Doesn’t he look like a leet “오타쿠” ?
(For those who don’t know what leet means, you can look it up in “Urban Dictionary”. But leet is an internet word that has evolved into referring to gamers or computer hackers who are stuck in front of their computers. But in Korean, it also has negative references to the Japanese.)

7. Happy Shares Company (만원의행복) show program
SNSD members were rude to the program PD (producer & camera man), intentionally hiding Yoonah (the guest) and giving her food to eat, which is against the rules on the show. When they were finally caught by the PD, they shook their head and said, “We didn’t do anything” and then at the end, blatantly admitted that Yoonah ate something.
The PD said, “For someone who is young, you shouldn’t do this, Yoonah.”
Yoonah replied, “I’m 18,” while blinking her eyes innocently.
Yuri, who was standing in front, said, “We are old enough ~” while Taeyeon grabbed the back of her neck and pretended to fall to the ground, expressing that what the PD said was not “fair”.

8.Discriminating on show programs
On a weekend café program, SNSD called a trot singer “Sparkles” (referring to the bright sequined clothes they wear) and said, “Get money from Sparkles~”. The members delayed the serving the singer, saying amongst each other “I don’t like Sparkles”. They made their contempt for the singer evident while showing favoritism for some baseball players also at the café.

9. YoonA Disrespected Tei
YoonAh guest starred on Tei’s “Island” radio program. Tei greeted her with a full bow but Yoonha just gave a small bow as if greeting a B-list singer. Tei is not a B-list singer; he is one of the top ballad singers in Korea.

10. Wonder Girls
- Soshi fans went to Wonder Girls’ fan signing
One SNSD fan went to the Wonder Girls’ fan signing and asked Sunye to sign “Right now is Girls Generation”. This fan also dared to post a picture of Sunye singing this online.
- Remarks related to Wonder Girls
Whenever SNSD asks “Do you like Wonder Girls or SNSD?”
they grow cold and silent towards people who say “Wondergirls”.
- SNSD girls did mic tests while Wonder Girls was rehearsing

11 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

you seriously need to go get a theropist, like.. now. im not a snsd fan but all this blog is heling me do is understand you're completely crazy. seriously, why should someone hate snsd this much, they're just artists, if dont like them, dont listen to them.... simple enough. for your next post, i suggest you start blogging about you're "adventures to reach sanity"

aris tee mengatakan...

saya setuju with amber... seriously, they're just artistes, and they're still young. they were just being playful yet some people take it so seriously.

sigh, if you don't like them, don't say anything. they are human too. imagine how you'd feel if someone made a hate site of you just because u called ur friend lazy~ it's pretty much the same situation here.

lrt's bring different fans together... make love not war~
peace ya! :)

Anonim mengatakan...

siapapun yg ngejalanin blog ini...maju terus!!!!
aq selalu ngikutin apapun yg kamu tulis di blog ini....

jangan dengerin kata2 org2 yg bashing kamu!!!!

YOU are GREAT!!!

dua tulisan diatas cuma orang sinting!!!

Anonim mengatakan...

ko diam lah keparat babi. setan peduli apa ko cakap. yang dua orang tu cakap baik ko nak jadi batu api, moga ko mati kat jalan raya lah.

pegi balik sekolah blajar bahasa malaysia dulu sebelum cakap sini. bahasa ko macam taik!

saya sokong kedamaian antara fans! :D

Anonim mengatakan...

I LUV what you WRITE bout them, I hate SNSD too... especialy JESSIKA....

i hate them coz they have ugly face but coz SUGERY now they get beautiful face!!!!

i hate them too coz they too close to TVXQ n SUJU!!!!

Anonim mengatakan...

I can't believe the one who writes on this blog is actually an Indonesian..
You disgrace your own nationality..
Don't get me wrong..I'm Indonesian too, but blog is absurd..

Silahkan anda bash SNSD kalo muka anda sudah secantik mereka dan tingkah laku dan perbuatan anda sudah lebih baik dari mereka..
Nyatanya dari bikin blog kyk gini aja, udah keliatan kalo kelakuan anda ga lebih baik daripada mereka, even worse..

Silahkan anda suka SJ atau DBSK, tapi ga penting banget buat ngejelek2in group laen..

Oh, dan buat yang comment sebelum saya, "anonim". Yang sinting itu anda. Kok orang waras dikatain sinting..
Emank bener kata pepatah, maling teriak maling..orang sinting teriak orang laen sinting..Moralnya udah pada dibuang ke laut ya?

Anonim mengatakan...

terserah ANDA para fans mo blg apa..
yang penting kita para ANTIS juga gak akan tinggal diem ngeliat tingkah SNSD yg kelewat menyebalkan itu..
lagian nyantai aja napa sih??
kalo emang idola ANDA gak punya salah apa2, gak mungkin kan setengah isi dunia bisa benci sama mereka??

MEREKA yang seharusnya NGACA bukan kami para ANTIS.

ANTI FANS ada karena ada orang atau kelompok yang ngelakuin suatu perbuatan yg dianggap melenceng dari yang seharusnya!

nah sekarang, ANDA sebaiknya mikir kenapa bisa ada ANTI SNSD INDO , kenapa ada BAIDU BAR di china, ada juga CARTEL, SHAPINGKAEL, terus BLACK MARINE, etc..??

untuk para ANTIS, maju terus pantang mundur!!

buat sushi rollers, TALK TO MY HAAAAANDDD~~ ^0^

Anonim mengatakan...


akhirnya ada juga ANTIS yang masuk blog ini....


seharusnya mreka ngaca sama perbuatan MREKA SENDRIRI!!!!

Anonim mengatakan...

"Anonim mengatakan...

ko diam lah keparat babi. setan peduli apa ko cakap. yang dua orang tu cakap baik ko nak jadi batu api, moga ko mati kat jalan raya lah.

pegi balik sekolah blajar bahasa malaysia dulu sebelum cakap sini. bahasa ko macam taik!

saya sokong kedamaian antara fans! :D
2008 Juli 29 07:24"

this is rude.. you shouldn't wrote like this...does our country taught you how to talk to other like this... hey, we have our own manners.. just let the author wrote what they want to.. u did wrote saya sokong kedamaian.. hurm, seems like what u wrote really not linking to u as well.. come on,behave urself.

fara~ mengatakan...

To the person who wrote this, and I quote;

'ko diam lah keparat babi. setan peduli apa ko cakap. yang dua orang tu cakap baik ko nak jadi batu api, moga ko mati kat jalan raya lah.

pegi balik sekolah blajar bahasa malaysia dulu sebelum cakap sini. bahasa ko macam taik!

saya sokong kedamaian antara fans! :D'

Can u even begin to understand how incredibly STUPID u are??? 1st things 1st, THE AUTHOR IS INDONESIAN AND SO IS THE COMMENTER WHOM U SO WISELY SAY HAS LANGUAGE LIKE SHIT AND SHOULD GO BACK TO SCHOOL AND STUDY BAHASA MALAYSIA. OBVIOUSLY THE COMMENTER IS SPEAKING IN INDONESIAN!!!! honestly ure such a disgrace to Malaysia and ur comment made me cringe as I'm malaysian too. i was surprised to find an ignorant idiot such as you on the net. with ur limited knowledge i'm surprised u even understand english. here, to make it easier for u I shall translate what i wrote into Malay.

yg tulis comment tu org indo lah bodoh!! yg kau nak suruh dia blajar bahasa malaysia buat apa huh bahalul??? dahla penulis blog ni asal dari indo yg ko nak suruh org balik sekolah blajar bahasa malaysia sblum tulis kat sini buat apaaaa??? memang sah kau ni tak berotak!! dahlah bahasa macam sial!! bahasa negara jiran pun x kenal!!! apaka BENGAP KO NIHH??? AND U WISHED FOR HIM/HER TO DIE ON THE ROAD???!!! U ARE SOOOOO FOUL AND A TOTAL EMBARASSMENT TO MALAYSIA!!! OH GOD!! kaulah pegi mati!!! kurang ajar betull!! sumpah org mcm2 and ko bleh ckp lagi ko sokong kedamaian??? haishhhh org mcm kau ni mmg x patut hidup!!! BODOH SIALLLL!!!

to everyone who was offended by this lunatic who posted the horribly offending comment I must say that idiots like these are rare in malaysia and we(Malaysians) apologise on her behalf. forgive her, she probably grew up in a barn. I'm not kidding. and to the author, ure opinion is forever yours and no one should humiliate you for it. keep blogging and ignore future a**holes.

Anonim mengatakan...

Dear yg punya blog,,
udah,kamu berhak bilang gak suka atau suka,itu hak kamu,tapi tetap dg cara yg baik,maksudnya,usahakan,tdak ada kata"yg agak"gak enak dihati..^^dan dbaca,hhe..

aku?anti snsd,no offense buat fans,aku tetap menghormati smua fansnya,tapi kalian juga harus ngehargai kami d0nk yang anti..
kalian ga perlu khawatirlah sama anti kalo emang ngrasa bener,,banyak anti"bermunculan d web",anti dbsk ,anti suju,yg dicuekin ma fansnya,kemudian menghilang,,hoho..
kenapap?gampang jawabannya,karena idol mereka emang oke punya,gak ada skandal atau perbuatan yg kurang menyenangkan yang terjadi berulang-ulang..
Ini berbda ky anti snsd yg terus eksis yang membuktikan bahwa memang mereka pantas punya antifans,,
karena mereka blum atau gak bisa seperti kawan"mereka yg lain yg antifansnya numpang lewat aja..

Oke,yang punya blog,aku salut sama kamu,udah brani bilang dg tegas kalo kamu gak suka sicka,,
karena,banyak yg blum pnya keberanian loh buat bilang ky gni dan dipublikasikan.....

remeber 4 all AF SNSD,created by one of my friend,hhe..
"Together we STAND, divided we fall."
so,tetaplah bersama smuanya^^

bagaimanapun,janganlah sampai bertengkar gara"snsd,putus persahabatan,dll..
qta tetap saudara,ini kan cuma beda pendapat,di undang"juga diatur kalo qta boleh berpendapat slama masih dalam koridor yg benar kan?^^

go antis !